aeson is an efficient and easy to use library for decoding (parsing) and encoding JSON. The ways to work with aeson ranges from simple (but inflexible) to complex (but flexible).
The API documentation can be found here. There’s plenty of good information in the API docs.
JSON strings can trivially be decoded to Haskell values, provided that the types
of those values are instances of FromJSON
. Analogously, types that are
instances of ToJSON
can easily be encoded back to JSON strings. aeson comes
with convenient FromJSON
and ToJSON
instances for the standard data types
(numbers, booleans, lists, tuples, dates, and so on).
Let’s try these instances out in GHCi. You’ll need to import Data.Aeson
, Data.Text
and Data.Time.Clock
in order to try out the examples above. You’ll
also need to launch GHCi with ghci -XOverloadedStrings
λ> decode "true" :: Maybe Bool
Just True
λ> encode True
λ> decode "[1, 2, 3]" :: Maybe [Int]
Just [1,2,3]
λ> encode [1, 2, 3]
λ> decode ""1984-10-15T00:00:00Z"" :: Maybe UTCTime
Just 1984-10-15 00:00:00 UTC
λ> encode (read "1984-10-15 00:00:00 UTC" :: UTCTime)
λ> decode "{ "foo": 0, "bar":1, "baz": 2 }" :: Maybe (Map Text Int)
Just (fromList [("bar",1),("baz",2),("foo",0)])
λ> encode (fromList [ ("bar" :: Text, 1 :: Int)
, ("baz" :: Text, 2 :: Int)
, ("foo" :: Text, 0 :: Int) ])
So how do you define FromJSON
and ToJSON
instances for types that don’t have
One simple way to do this is to use the DeriveGeneric
extension and have the
compiler generate the implementation for you.
#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack script --resolver lts-12.21
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Text
import GHC.Generics
data Person = Person { name :: Text, age :: Int } deriving (Generic, Show)
instance FromJSON Person
instance ToJSON Person
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn $ "Encode: " ++ (show (encode (Person { name = "Joe", age = 12 })))
putStrLn $ "Decode: " ++
(show (decode "{ "name": "Joe", "age": 12 }" :: Maybe Person))
For compatibility reasons, the default DeriveGeneric
is relatively slow. So for better efficiency, you might want to override the
function ToJSON
instance with:
instance ToJSON Person where
toEncoding = genericToEncoding defaultOptions
You can also derive instances at compile-time, using Data.Aeson.TH
and the
and ToJSON
instances can also be written by hand.
For FromJSON
(decoding), you need to define the parseJSON
function, which
takes a JSON value (of the aeson type Value
) and returns a Haskell value of
your type. In order to define your own ToJSON
instance, you need to do the
reverse – create a Value
from a Haskell value of your type.
#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack script --resolver lts-12.21
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Text (Text)
-- Same type as before, but without the Generic instance.
data Person = Person { name :: Text, age :: Int } deriving Show
-- We expect a JSON object, so we fail at any non-Object value.
instance FromJSON Person where
parseJSON (Object v) = Person <$> v .: "name" <*> v .: "age"
parseJSON _ = empty
instance ToJSON Person where
toJSON (Person name age) = object ["name" .= name, "age" .= age]
-- The main function is unchanged from before.
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn $ "Encode: " ++ (show (encode (Person { name = "Joe", age = 12 })))
putStrLn $ "Decode: " ++
(show (decode "{ "name": "Joe", "age": 12 }" :: Maybe Person))
Above, parseJSON
constructs the Haskell value using a JSON object. If some
other kind of JSON value is provided, decoding will fail. Note that parseJSON
above operates in an Applicative
context. This is what parseJSON
could look like using a monadic computation:
instance FromJSON Person where
parseJSON (Object v) = do
name <- v .: "name"
age <- v .: "age"
return (Person { name = name, age = age })
parseJSON _ = empty
The toJSON
function above uses the object
function to define a JSON object,
which takes a list of key-value Pair
values. The Pair
type is simply defined
as (Text, Value)
, and .=
is a helper to encode the right-hand side to its
corresponding JSON value.
Sometimes you want to work with the JSON data without actually converting it to
some specific type first. One way to do this is to work with the JSON abstract
syntax tree (AST). This can
be done by simply decoding it to a Value
, like so:
λ> decode "{ "foo": false, "bar": [1, 2, 3] }" :: Maybe Value
Just (Object (fromList [("foo",Bool False),("bar",Array [Number 1.0,Number
2.0,Number 3.0])]))
You can also decode your JSON string to any of the JSON types that Value
JSON | aeson Type | Standard Type |
Array | Array |
Vector Value |
Boolean | Bool |
Bool |
Number | Number |
Scientific |
Object | Object |
HashMap Text Value |
String | String |
Text |
Once you have a JSON value, you can define a Parser
like we did in parseJSON
above, and run it using parse
, parseEither
or parseMaybe
Decoding JSON to a specific Haskell type is actually a two-step process – first,
the JSON string is converted to a Value
, and then the FromJSON
instance is
used to convert that Value
to the specific type.
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