FP Complete

FP Complete Corporation Announces Partnership with Portworx by Pure Storage

FP Complete Corporation Announces Partnership with Portworx by Pure Storage to Streamline World-Class DevOps Consulting Services with State-of-the-Art, End-To-End Storage and Data Management Solution for Kubernetes Projects. Charlotte, North Carolina (August 31, 2022) – FP Complete Corporation, a global technology partner that specializes in DevSecOps, Cloud Native Computing, and Advanced Server-Side Programming Languages today announced […]

Canary Deployment with Kubernetes and Istio

Istio is a service mesh that transparently adds various capabilities like observability, traffic management and security to your distributed collection of microservices. It comes with various functionalities like circuit breaking, granular traffic routing, mTLS management, authentication and authorization polices, ability to do chaos testing etc. In this post, we will explore on how to do […]

Confused about Cloud-Native? Want to speed up your dev team’s productivity?

You hear “go Cloud-Native,” but if you’re like many, you wonder, “what does that mean, and how can applying a Cloud-Native strategy help my company’s Dev Team be more productive?” At a high level, Cloud-Native architecture means adapting to the many new possibilities—but a very different set of architectural constraints—offered by the cloud compared to […]

Levana NFT Launch

FP Complete Corporation, headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina, is a global technology company building next-generation software to solve complex problems.  We specialize in Server-Side Software Engineering, DevSecOps, Cloud-Native Computing, Distributed Ledger, and Advanced Programming Languages. We have been a full-stack technology partner in business for 10+ years, delivering reliable, repeatable, and highly secure software.  Our team of […]

Announcing Amber, encrypted secrets management

Years ago, Travis CI introduced a method for passing secret values from your repository into the Travis CI system. This method relies on encryption to ensure that anyone can provide a new secret, but only the CI system itself can read those secrets. I’ve always thought that the Travis approach to secrets was one of […]

An Istio/mutual TLS debugging story

Last week, our team was working on a feature enhancement to Kube360. We work with clients in regulated industries, and one of the requirements was fully encrypted traffic throughout the cluster. While we’ve supported Istio’s mutual TLS (mTLS) as an optional feature for end-user applications, not all of our built-in services were using mTLS strict […]

Cloud Vendor Neutrality

Earlier this week, Amazon removed Parler from its platform. As a company hosting a network service on a cloud provider today, should you worry about such actions from cloud vendors? And what steps should you be taking now? In this post, we’ll explore some of the risks associated with being tied to a single vendor, […]

Deploying Rust with Windows Containers on Kubernetes

A few years back, we published a blog post about deploying a Rust application using Docker and Kubernetes. That application was a Telegram bot. We’re going to do something similar today, but with a few meaningful differences: We’re going to be deploying a web app. Don’t get too excited: this will be an incredibly simply […]

A Paradigm Shift is Key to Competing

It used to be that being technically mature was thought to be a good thing; now, that view is not so cut and dried.  As you look at topics like containerization, cloud migration, and DevOps, it is easy to see why young companies get to claim the term “Cloud Native.” At the same time, those […]

DevOps in the Enterprise: What could be better? What could go wrong?

Is it Enterprise DevOps or DevOps in the enterprise?  I guess it all depends on where you sit.  DevOps has been a significant change to how many modern technology organizations approach systems development and support.  While many have found it to be a major productivity boost, it represents a threat in “BTTWWHADI” evangelists in some […]