FP Complete

Cloud for Non-Natives

Does this mean if you weren’t born in the cloud, you’ll never be as good as those who are? When thinking about building from scratch or modernizing an existing technology environment, we tend to see one of a few different things happening: Staff will read up, and you will try it on your own. Managers […]

Using Rust for DevOps tooling

A beginner’s guide to writing your DevOps tools in Rust. Introduction In this blog post we’ll cover some basic DevOps use cases for Rust and why you would want to use it. As part of this, we’ll also cover a few common libraries you will likely use in a Rust-based DevOps tool for AWS. If […]

DevOps: Unifying Dev, Ops, and QA

The term DevOps has been around for many years. Small and big companies adopt DevOps concepts for different purposes, e.g. to increase the quality of software. In this blog post, we define DevOps, present its pros and cons, highlight a few concepts and see how these can impact the entire organization. What is DevOps? At […]

DevOps for (Skeptical) Developers

In this post, I describe my personal journey as a developer skeptical of the seemingly ever-growing, ever more complex, array of “ops” tools. I move towards adopting some of these practices, ideas and tools. I write about how this journey helps me to write software better and understand discussions with the ops team at work. […]

Our history with containerization

FP Complete has been working with containerization (or OS-level virtualization) since before it was popularized by Docker. What follows is a brief history of how and why we got started using containers, and how our use of containerization has evolved as new technology has emerged. Brief history Our first foray into containerization started at the […]

Cloud Deployment Models: Advantages and Disadvantages

In this post we show a couple of options when it comes to a cloud deployment model. Depending on the needs of your organization some options may suit you better than others. Private Cloud A private cloud is cloud infrastructure that only members of your organization can utilize. It is typically owned and managed by the […]

Understanding cloud auth

The topics of authentication and authorization usually appear simple but turn out to hide significant complexity. That’s because, at its core, auth is all about answering two questions: Who are you What are you allowed to do However, the devil is in the details. Seasoned IT professionals, software developers, and even typical end users are […]

Understanding DevOps Roles and Responsibilities

DevOps Roles and Responsibilities If structural engineers built bridges the way software engineers wrote software, then the news would be filled with stories about bridges collapsing. Of course, this is not the case because the engineering process for building bridges is well defined (and has been around far longer than software engineering). Bridges and structural […]

Preparing for Upcoming Cloud Computing Trends

What is cloud computing? In its simplest terms, cloud computing means your computing requirements are running on someone else’s hardware. The word cloud computing originated back in the 1960’s when the internet was often depicted as a cloud when an engineer drew a diagram to represent the internet. You have probably have seen something like […]

Cloud preparation checklist

While moving to the cloud brings many benefits associated with it, we need to also be aware of the pain points associated with such a move. This post will discuss those pain points, provide ways to mitigate them, and give you a checklist which can be used if you plan to migrate your applications to […]