FP Complete



The Hidden Dangers of Haskell’s Ratio Type

Here's a new Haskell WAT?! Haskell has a type Rational for working with precisely-valued fractional numbers, and it models the mathematical concept of a rational number. Although it's relatively slow compared with Double, it doesn't

April 27, 2022

This blog post is the second in the Rust quickies series. In my training sessions, we often come up with quick examples

This blog post is the first in a planned series I’m calling “Rust quickies.” In my training sessions, we often come up

Hedera Platform Audit

FP Complete Publishes Results of Independent 3rd Party Audits of Hedera Platform and New Hedera Token Service FP Complete Corporation development specialists

Security is a multifaceted concept with broad-reaching applications across multiple domains. As a complete server deployment solution, Kube360 touches on many different

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery are two concepts that come up frequently in modern DevOps. At a high level, continuous integration (CI)

Cloud Vendor Neutrality

Earlier this week, Amazon removed Parler from its platform. As a company hosting a network service on a cloud provider today, should

Rust is a systems programming language following fairly standard imperative approaches and a C-style syntax. Haskell is a purely functional programming language,

Why FP Complete chose Kubernetes for Container Orchestration in Kube360 While it is a small competition field, alternatives to Kubernetes for container

Introduction At the start of a new year, it is traditional to summarize what we have learned over the past year and

This semi-surprising corner case came up in some recent Rust training I was giving. I figured a short write-up may help some

Pattern matching

I first started writing Haskell about 15 years ago. My learning curve for the language was haphazard at best. In many cases,

This blog post was entirely inspired by reading the GATs on Nightly! Reddit post by /u/C5H5N5O. I just decided to take things

This blog post will use mostly Rust and Haskell code snippets to demonstrate its points. But I don’t believe the core point

Most of the web services I’ve written in Rust have used actix-web. Recently, I needed to write something that will provide some

A few years back, we published a blog post about deploying a Rust application using Docker and Kubernetes. That application was a

It used to be that being technically mature was thought to be a good thing; now, that view is not so cut

Is it Enterprise DevOps or DevOps in the enterprise?  I guess it all depends on where you sit.  DevOps has been a

There’s a running joke in the functional programming community. Any Scala program can be written by combining the traverse function the correct