FP Complete



Confused about Cloud-Native? Want to speed up your dev team’s productivity?

You hear "go Cloud-Native," but if you're like many, you wonder, "what does that mean, and how can applying a Cloud-Native strategy help my company's Dev Team be more productive?"

January 17, 2022

This is a story about how some bad API design on my part caused some ugly race conditions that were very tricky

Announcing the first release in the stack-2.1 series! The Stack 2 release represents a series of significant changes to how Stack works

Why Audit? FP Complete now does blockchain audit services. Why have we chosen to work in this field, and what are we

Introduction At FP Complete we develop many tools for our clients to help them achieve their goals. Most of these tools are

What is GovCloud?

“GovCloud” relevant to your work?  This is not a Devops post to miss! “GovCloud” is a relatively new, and still rather ambiguous,

We are happy to announce that we have been sponsoring free webinars for over a year now. The feedback we have been

We’re ramping up for the Stack 2 release, which contains a number of changes. (If you want more information, check out the

Up to now, Stack has been using a number of CI solutions: Travis CI for unit tests on Linux and macOS AppVeyor

The global economy is changing to promote sharing, and free software is an important part of that. How do we run a

Abstract At FP Complete, we strive to build systems that endure the direst of situations. An unexpected shutdown (like a kernel panic,

We are happy to announce that we have been sponsoring free webinars for over a year now. The feedback we have been

I have been working on property testing for years now. My current conclusion is that property testing still has so much uncovered

Originally devised to serve as the nerve-center of bitcoin, blockchain programming has come a long way. The brainchild of Satoshi Nakamoto (the

Not all SQLs are created equal. I’ll say even more, none of the SQL dialects are even close to being equal. In

We are excited that we have been able to keep up with the pace of our monthly webinar series. More importantly, we

Let’s talk about exceptions. Programs do a thing successfully all the time, except sometimes when things didn’t work out. So we have

We’re big fans of safety-focused languages at FP Complete. As our previous blog post comparing Rust and Haskell made clear, we think

Our webinars are continuing to be as popular as ever and Tom Sydney Kerckhove’s (Tech Lead at FP Complete) webinar on “Building