FP Complete



Blockchain Technology, Smart Contracts, and Your Company

With the cost of goods only going up and the increased scarcity of quality workers and resources, saving money and time in your day-to-day business operations is paramount. Therefore, adopting

January 16, 2022

Haskell and Rust

FP Complete is known for our best-in-class DevOps automation tooling in addition to Haskell. We use industry standards like Kubernetes and Docker.

In the past few months, and in particular in the past two weeks, I’ve gotten a number of people asking me the

Our monthly webinar series is really starting to take off and judging by the registration numbers we might be forced into allowing

The results are in!! The powerful Haskell community includes researchers who advance the language, and users who apply the language to solve

Alternative title: “ResourceT considered harmful” Summary: ResourceT is a great tool, used to solve real problems when dealing with constrained resources and

Yesod is one of the most popular web frameworks in the Haskell land. This post will explore creating a sample Postgres based

Deploying software can certainly have its challenges, but Deni Burtovic walks you through everything you need to know when it comes to

One fantastic aspect of Haskell is that it offers various tools that allow different development workflows. In this blog post, we are

Since December, FP Complete has been working with Cardano Foundation on an audit of the Cardano settlement layer. The audit work is

This is part three of a series of blog posts on Pantry, a new storage and download system for Haskell packages. You

Since I seem to be a one-trick pony, I decided to write yet again to compare streaming data in Haskell and Rust.

This blog post is a cross post from a guide I wrote on the Commercial Haskell Github account. That URL is the

This is part two of a series of blog posts on Pantry, a new storage and download system for Haskell packages. You

Back in January, I published a two part blog post on hash-based package downloads. Some project needs at FP Complete have pushed

We did something very different this month for our monthly webinar. We invited Ford Winslow, CEO of ICE Cybersecurity, and the new

Deploying rust with Docker and Kubernetes Hello! My name is Chris Allen and I’m going to use a tiny Rust app to

FP Complete now does blockchain audit services. Why have we chosen to work in this field, and what are we aiming to

This blog post is a semi-complete retelling of my debugging adventures on a particularly crazy bug. Consider it a combination of fun