FP Complete



Levana NFT Launch

FP Complete Corporation, headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina, is a global technology company building next-generation software to solve complex problems.  We specialize in Server-Side Software Engineering, DevSecOps, Cloud-Native Computing, Distributed Ledger, and

November 17, 2021

Last Wednesday (June 6, 2018), I ran a Haskell Hackathon after LambdaConf. The turnout certainly wasn’t the same as Zurihac, but I

Introduction As the world adopts blockchain technologies, your IT infrastructure — and its predictability — become critical. Many companies lack the levels

In this blog post, we will learn how to control access to nomad. Introduction Nomad is an application scheduler, that helps you

We aired our second webinar in our ongoing series on Wednesday, May 9th. The topic was “Practical Property Testing in Haskell.” This webinar

Concurrent programming is hard! I still remember the moment of my introduction to multi-threaded programming at the University of New Mexico, our

I’m pleased to announce the release of a Haskell library for connecting to SQL Server databases via ODBC. Features The library is

This post gives a deep dive into the Haskell exception system. If you are looking for a simpler tutorial on how to

This is a short and non-technical blog post demonstrating why the Haskell programming language is a good choice for building cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies

We launched our monthly webinar series on Wednesday, April 11th with our first webinar on How to Handle Asynchronous exceptions in Haskell.

As your organization grows and application and infrastructure complexity increase good DevOps processes become very important to be able to reliably deliver

People used to think software development was “done” when the code was written and passed all its tests. But modern IT systems

Recover your Elasticsearch

Despite overall Elasticsearch stability, it is still possible for a cluster to get into a "red" state. One of the reasons for

Today I was working on a client project when a seemingly innocent refactoring made the program 2x faster. Of course, being happy

Financial Technology, or FinTech, is a relatively new aspect of the financial industry, which focuses on applying technology to improve financial activities.

You’re implementing a new IT system, an app, a DevOps deployment, a DataOps system to merge your data feeds. And it seems

At FP Complete we have experience writing Medical Device software that has to go through rigorous compliance steps and eventually be approved

Just by reading the blogpost title you are likely to guess the problem at hand, but to be fair I will recap

What are Docker Containers? Docker containers are a form of “lightweight” virtualization They allow a process or process group to run in