FP Complete

FP Complete Corporation Announces Partnership with Portworx by Pure Storage

FP Complete Corporation Announces Partnership with Portworx by Pure Storage to Streamline World-Class DevOps Consulting Services with State-of-the-Art, End-To-End Storage and Data Management Solution for Kubernetes Projects. Charlotte, North Carolina (August 31, 2022) – FP Complete Corporation, a global technology partner that specializes in DevSecOps, Cloud Native Computing, and Advanced Server-Side Programming Languages today announced […]

Canary Deployment with Kubernetes and Istio

Istio is a service mesh that transparently adds various capabilities like observability, traffic management and security to your distributed collection of microservices. It comes with various functionalities like circuit breaking, granular traffic routing, mTLS management, authentication and authorization polices, ability to do chaos testing etc. In this post, we will explore on how to do […]

Levana NFT Launch

FP Complete Corporation, headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina, is a global technology company building next-generation software to solve complex problems.  We specialize in Server-Side Software Engineering, DevSecOps, Cloud-Native Computing, Distributed Ledger, and Advanced Programming Languages. We have been a full-stack technology partner in business for 10+ years, delivering reliable, repeatable, and highly secure software.  Our team of […]

The Pains of Path Parsing

I’ve spent a considerable amount of coding time getting into the weeds of path parsing and generation in web applications. First with Yesod in Haskell, and more recently with a side project for routetypes in Rust. (Side note: I’ll likely do some blogging and/or videos about that project in the future, stay tuned.) My recent […]

Secure defaults with Kubernetes Security with Kube360

Security is a multifaceted concept with broad-reaching applications across multiple domains. As a complete server deployment solution, Kube360 touches on many different pieces of the security puzzle. FP Complete has years of experience helping our clients boost Kubernetes security with Kubernetes in particular and cloud deployments in general. We’ve accumulated many of our learned best […]

Improve productivity and quality with CI/CD in Kube360

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery are two concepts that come up frequently in modern DevOps. At a high level, continuous integration (CI) describes the processes and tooling used to ensure that software changes can be tested and built in an automated fashion. Continuous delivery (CD) adds to that concept by providing the setup needed for […]

Cloud Vendor Neutrality

Earlier this week, Amazon removed Parler from its platform. As a company hosting a network service on a cloud provider today, should you worry about such actions from cloud vendors? And what steps should you be taking now? In this post, we’ll explore some of the risks associated with being tied to a single vendor, […]

Kubernetes is best for container orchestration

Why FP Complete chose Kubernetes for Container Orchestration in Kube360 While it is a small competition field, alternatives to Kubernetes for container orchestration exist and have their own merits and drawbacks. Today, we’ll cover the major players and explain why FP Complete ultimately decided to base Kube360 on its namesake, Kubernetes. When companies and organizations […]

Meet the Measurements of Effective IT with Kube360

Introduction At the start of a new year, it is traditional to summarize what we have learned over the past year and apply those lessons to the coming year. This past year has been an outlier in so many ways. Hence, the usual platitudes about lessons learned may seem out of place. Nonetheless, people in […]

Why we built Kube360

Over a year ago, FP Complete began work on Kube360. Kube360 is a distribution of Kubernetes supporting multiple cloud providers, as well as on-prem deployments. It includes the most requested features we’ve seen in Kubernetes clusters. It aims to address many pain points companies typically face in Kubernetes deployments, especially around security. And it tries […]